small steps to a nourished lifestyle

Never underestimate the power of taking small actions every day to create big changes over time! 
When it comes to fertility and pregnancy, you have the power to begin to shape the life and health of your future baby πŸ’–

One of the best ways to make lasting changes (and not feel constantly deprived) is to:⁠⠀
1️⃣ Choose simple changes, and make them slowly. If you want to cut down on coffee for example, drop one cup at time, over a few weeks. 
2️⃣ Keep working on your change until it becomes a habit and a part of your life without having to think about it. 
3️⃣ Once your change becomes second nature, choose the next one. As you make little changes, it will become easier and easier to include more healthy habits. 
Using this approach rather than overhauling your whole diet can do AMAZING things, by just adding in new things that serve you, or cutting out things that don't. 
Here are some examples to start you in the right direction for a diet to improve fertility and stay healthy in pregnancy:⁠⠀
πŸ’§ Hydrate!

πŸ₯¬ Eat at least 1 serving of leafy greens every day

πŸ… Aim to eat at least 2 cups of colourful vegetables a day (think of the rainbow: red peppers, orange squash, yellow beans, green asparagus, purple cabbage)⁠⠀
🐟 Aim to eat 2-3 pieces of oily fish per week, such as salmon⁠
πŸ₯‘ Embrace healthy fats! 
Swap Margarine for organic, grass-fed butter, and vegetable oils for extra virgin olive, avocado or coconut oil 
+ Eat a handful of nuts and seeds or avocado each day
πŸ₯š Eat a breakfast every day that includes protein + healthy fats + whole carbs (think root vegetables and whole grains like oats or quinoa, vs refined products like cereals and bread) 

πŸ₯’ Add fermented foods to your diet, such as sauerkraut, traditionally fermented pickles, or kefir 
πŸ₯˜ Cook meals at home as much as possible 

✨ REMINDER: This not to add pressure or expectations to mamas to be, we don't have to be perfect! Empowering ourselves to try to make better choices, will make a real difference.⁠⠀


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